Tips to Locating Affordable vehicle insurance
Tips to Locating Affordable vehicle insurance: Consumers should realize that there are a wide variety of insurers available to offer vehicle insurance policies in any given state and must compare all options before throwing in the towel and deciding to go uninsured. While not recommended, it may be in the best interest of a consumer to obtain the minimum coverage allowed in the state to find the most affordable policy. An effective way to locate an insurer that can offer the most inexpensive rate is to simply shop around. Even if a motorist has to put a few hours aside to get a quote from over twenty companies it is a much better and wiser alternative to getting behind the wheel unprotected by a carrier. It may take time, but will be worth it to avoid hefty fines or an uninsured accident.
One of the best ways to lower premiums is to take advantage of all available discounts and there are numerous ones offered that can save a big chunk of money. The good driver discount is among one of the most common and can yield a savings in the area of 20%. On a policy that would normally cost $1,000 a year, a consumer could save around $200 dollars and in combination with others, savings can be substantial. Certain states even make a particular discount mandatory; according to the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, motorists 60 years and older must be given a 5% rate reduction for completing an accident prevention class for 24 months. Being a diligent shopper and taking advantage of savings where applicable is a great way to find affordable coverage and also help avoid the risks of driving without protection.