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Online Tips for Reducing Kansas Car Insurance Premiums

Posted on Monday, Nov. 21st 2011 6:51 AM by Online Vehicle Insurance Quotes in Vehicle Insurance No Comments »

Since purchasing and maintaining car insurance in Kansas is mandatory for vehicle owners, residents should take the time to ensure that the most affordable premiums are being paid at all times. One of the best ways to do this is to periodically compare the rates of insurers. Many times, policyholders continue doing business with the same company for far too long when a cheaper carrier may be available. This often leads to hard earned money going out the window. Taking the time to comparison shop could help insureds make sure that the rate being paid for coverage is in the right price range, and doing so is free and only takes a small amount of effort.

Another option that motorists have to reduce the cost of Kansas vehicle insurance is to review their policy and update when necessary. For example, if a vehicle has diminished in value and is currently insured against physical damage, a policyholder can significantly lower their premium by eliminating this coverage; this is often referred to as comprehensive and collision. The state guide to vehicle coverage suggests taking this step once the value of a vehicle drops to less than $3,000, but owners should ultimately make this decision on their own and based on whether or not maintaining such protection would be worthwhile. A lot of the times the deductible and the premium can outweigh the value of an vehicle, which could lead to receiving no compensation following a loss.

Additional Ways to Reduce KS vehicle insurance Rates

One of the most important things that a motorist can do is practice safe driving. This will not only lead to lower rates, but will decrease the likelihood of accidents and the policyholder suffering bodily injuries or damages to their vehicle. By practicing safety behind the wheel, a motorist can either keep their driving record clean or have chargeable accidents and moving violations no longer counted against them. Usually, if a driver stays accident and violation free for three years they will be able to receive a good driver discount, which is often in the area of 20 percent and can lead to substantial savings. Being considered a good driver may also give an individual the opportunity to obtain a policy from a car insurance company that targets motorists in the preferred market; these companies often offer the cheapest rates.

A tip provided by the Kansas vehicle insurance and Shopper’s Guide Shopper’s Guide is to check and see which vehicle drivers are assigned to. For example, insurers often assign a policyholder’s licensed teenager to the most expensive car, but the state advises consumers that they can save money by ensuring that the teen’s name is assigned to the right vehicle. In addition, if a teenager is on a policy, does not own an vehicle and has had no moving violations or chargeable accidents, he or she can be listed as an occasional operator, which can also lower premiums. There are several ways to reduce the cost of coverage and being an informed consumer can help. Motorists should understand as much as possible about what is affecting their rates.



Posted on Monday, Nov. 21st 2011 6:51 AM | by Online Vehicle Insurance Quotes | in Vehicle Insurance | No Comments »

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