Cheap Vehicle Insurance, Tip One for Getting the Best Used Car Insurance Rates
Buying a used car can be a hassle, although it can save you an awful lot of money up front. However, all too often even for somebody who buys a used car, registers it, and does everything right, they can still shocked to see a much higher car insurance premium.
If you want to keep your auto insurance rates low while looking for a used car, here is tip one of six to think about while shopping for a used car.
1) How Reliable Is the Vehicle? Know how reliable the car is overall? A car with a reputation as a tank is going to do a lot better in terms of insurance than a car that tends to fall apart as it ages. Another point to check, and this will save you plenty of misery both on your insurance bill and at the repair shop: Are they still making parts for the car? A car that’s simple and cheap to fix will have lower insurance rates than ones that are complicated and expensive. Imports in particular can have this problem: Look for cars built by US companies or made in US plants.